Five people wearing traditional Māori outfits, performing a dance on a stage.

Bring your friends and whānau and head to Waitangi Park on 6 February. Be part of a celebration to commemorate the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi). Te Rā o Waitangi is a free family event and runs from midday until 6pm.

The event offers multi-cultural performances and activities for young and old. There will be arts and crafts stalls including ‘The Eggfruit’, a voice recording activation. Also look for the Kids Zone, a kite-making workshop, and a special artwork by Keri-Mei Zagrobelna and Tina Rae Carter. You won’t be short of options for kai with multi-cultural food stalls and trucks. There will also be a fundraiser hāngi from midday.

Person in a teal dress with two poi attached to their waist.

Music will feature with scheduled performances throughout the afternoon. Check out Wellington Batucada, a performance of Taonga Puoro, Gregan Irish Dancers, Bollywood dancing, Chinese Dragon Dance, and New Orleans-style brass band Crash Bandihoot.

Te Rā o Waitangi 2025 acknowledges turangawaewae and whakapapa for all.  It doesn’t matter where you lay down your roots or where is your family from. It is a celebration of the things Kiwis share and the things that make them different.

Person playing an electric guitar on a stage with a crowd in the background.