Five dancers dressed in traditional Chinese garments walk along the street.

The Lunar New Year begins on 29 January, marking the transition from the Year of the Dragon to the Year of the Snake. To welcome the New Year, a free two-week festival programme will run from 1 to 16 February. 

Courtenay Place kicks off the festivities on 1 February. Dragons, performers, and musicians will take over the street. As night descends, the iconic Lunar New Year fireworks display will light up the harbour. Explosions of red will ward off evil spirits and usher in health, happiness, and prosperity. 

Throughout the two weeks of festivities, there are plenty of culinary delights. Participating restaurants will offer limited edition dishes and drinks inspired by the colour red, the snake, and the Lunar New Year. 

On the closing day of the festival, 16 February, the waterfront area will transform into a bustling street market. The event will showcase the vibrancy and diversity of Wellington’s Asian communities.