WellingtonPlan your conference
The interior of Two/fiftyseven is a climate-positive coworking and events space located on Willis Street in Wellington Central.

Two/fiftyseven is a unique and welcoming experience. Some of Wellington’s best artists, designers, and engineers have collaborated to make this space one of the most sustainable and flexible in the country. From small workshops and meetings to a full transformation of the space, two/fiftyseven is well-equipped to bring your event to life.

Aotearoa’s leading young artists adorn the walls. While bespoke lighting, a pop-up bar, and a location that is both accessible, convenient, and unique, make it a novel space. Nestled discreetly inside an office tower on Willis Street, two/fiftyseven is ready to surprise and delight you and your guests.

Two/fiftyseven, a coworking and events space located on Willis Street in Wellington Central during an event.


  • Cutting-edge space design.
  • Uniquely flexible spaces.
  • Certified Climate Positive and Living Wage accredited.
  • Quality equipment and support.
Two/fiftyseven, a coworking and events space located on Willis Street in Wellington Central during an event.

Rooms available

Spaces Number of people
Meeting room up to 6
Silver linings up to 12
Studios whātaitai + ngake up to 12
Workshop space up to 36
Event space up to 80
Entire two/fiftyseven up to 200