Queen: It’s a Kinda Magic
11 October 2025The Opera House
4 October 2025
The Opera House
What’s better than one Elvis Presley? Three Elvis Presleys. You’ll be all shook up when you experience ʻElvis: An American Trilogy’ at The Opera House. The show takes you on a spellbinding journey through three song eras of one of the most famous singers ever. First up: the sound of the 1950s. Louis Brown will capture the audience with the rockabilly sound and signature dance moves of Elvis’ early career. Arron Walker then takes the mic and recreates the role of Elvis in his movie years in the 1960s. This period incorporates the singer’s famous straight-out-of-the-army look and the black-leather look. Finally, Steve Michaels pays homage to ‘Aloha from Hawaii’ – a famous 1973 concert broadcast across Asia and Oceania. All three performers create a magical atmosphere as befits ‘The King’.
The sound, the moves, and the charm of Elvis Presley are lovingly recreated. Go and see it. It’s now or never.
11 October 2025The Opera House
22 May 2025The Opera House
16 March 2025The Opera House
16 August 2025The Opera House
11 July 2025The Opera House
7 May 2025The Opera House
2 May 2025The Opera House
30 April 2025The Opera House
11 – 12 April 2025The Opera House
21 March 2025The Opera House