How Business Events Wellington can help
Business Events Wellington offers free and impartial advice from the initial planning process through to finding venues and accommodation, or recommending delegate experiences.
The video shows three different people at an airport talking on the phone. These clips are shown in quick succession:
Person one: Yeah, I’m flying to a conference actually.
Person one is wearing a maroon jumper and is sitting in at an airport lounge, while talking on the phone.
Person two: Down under to Wellington.
Person three: New Zealand, yeah, somewhere I’ve always wanted to go.
Person one: They’ve got some really engaging speakers like that.
As person one talks, Ashley Bloomfield is shown talking on stage. The screen splits into three separate clips of different people talking at conferences.
Person two: And I think there’s going to be an opportunity to make a lot of new connections.
The screen is split into thirds and shows three different scenes: people networking at a conference event, people exchanging businesses cards, people talking in a group.
Person two: And I think there’s going to be an opportunity to make a lot of new connections.
The camera cuts to three people raising a toast with their glasses. The scene then changes to three different people in a vineyard, raising a toast with wine glasses.
Person three: All the events are within walking distance... I did bring my shoes...? Yeah, I did!
Person one: The facilities are state-of-the-art and world-class.
An artist’s impression of the bronze exterior of the Tākina building.
The scene splits into three and shows: person one talking on the phone, a film crew working in a dark room with neon lights, an aerial view of Wellington city at night showing the Michael Fowler centre lit up with blue lights.
Person two: It’s gonna be so good to get like, a complete change of scenery.
Person three: See new things, be exposed to different ways of thinking.
Person one: Up-skill as much as I can, check out some different experiences.
Person two: And Wellington’s so central it’s the perfect springboard to see the rest of New Zealand.
Person three: I can’t wait.
The screen is split in half and shows person three on the right talking on the phone, and on the left a person puts an item of clothing on a hanger. A person spins around in a leopard print coat.
Person two: Should be unforgettable.
Person two is shown on the right, while on the left a bartender uses a blowtorch to flambe the top of an orange cocktail.
Person one: Actually, they’re calling my flight now.
Person one grabs their passport. The scene then splits to reveal person three who also picks up their passport.
Person three: I’ll talk to you soon.
Person two: Safe journey
Visual: Person two picks up their passport and stands up.
An aerial view of a busy Oriental Parade beach located next to the blue harbour.
Text on screen:
This video is designed to support conference organisers and associations entice as many international delegates as possible to conferences and events in Wellington.
Specific conference details can be added at the beginning and end, providing a tailored view for your event, to attract international delegates to Wellington.
To request a bespoke version of the delegate promotion video that includes your specific conference details, complete this form and we’ll be in touch shortly.
Business Events Wellington offers free and impartial advice from the initial planning process through to finding venues and accommodation, or recommending delegate experiences.
Contact the Business Events Wellington team. As the official convention bureau for the Wellington region, the team can help with your next conference or business event.
Looking for a restaurant suitable for a group? Wellington has a number of dining options that can cater to a business group.
Choose sustainability for your event by supporting local organisations that are making positive social and environmental contributions.